Ecart International at the CAPC in Bordaux

Ecart International au CAPC de Bordaux

Ecart Paris and the CAPC Museum of Contemporary Art in Bordeaux:
a natural and fruitful partnership for a tribute to Andrée Putman

Andrée Putman, grande dame of French design, founder of Ecart International in 1978, passed away at the dawn of 2013. Paying homage to her seemed obvious to Pascal Lapeyre, current president of Ecart International.
The CAPC musée team decided on an exhibition paying tribute to the work of the designer. This remarkable work of renovation, creation of specific furniture and layout of workspaces have left an indelible mark which is today at the origin of the fruitful partnership between Ecart International and the CAPC musée.


The CAPC musée wanted to celebrate the talent of the designer through the exhibition "The Eternal in the moment" (until January 10, 2016) dedicated to her creations. The constitution of the fund bringing together all the objects and furniture designed especially for the museum required expertise and know-how that Ecart International was naturally able to provide, becoming in the process a partner and an obvious patron. of the museum.
Throughout the duration of the exhibition, a selection of objects and furniture from Ecart International, signed by Andrée Putman herself or by other great names in design (Jean-Michel Franck, Adolphe Chanaux, Mario Fortuny, Michel Dufet, Félix Aublet…) is offered for sale in the CAPC museum shop at the list price. This Ecart International corner in the CAPC museum shop is a first in France, testifies to the richness of the partnership between the two institutions and confirms the presence of Ecart International in Bordeaux, already represented and distributed by Agora (17 cours Clémenceau – 33000 Bordeaux).

FROM 16.05.15 TO 10.01.2016
  • At the start of the school year, two private visits, guided by the teams of the CAPC musée, will be organized in order to share this exhibition more exclusively with customers, amateurs and buyers of Ecart International. The dates can be communicated on request via Agora and the secretariat of Ecart International.
  • The photographer Anne Garde, who notably took a series of photos on the new facilities of the CAPC museum in 1990, will hold a conference at the CAPC museum (7 rue Ferrere in Bordeaux) on October 3, 2015.
  • On November 13, 2015, the symposium "Andrée Putman, the style in question" will be organized and supervised by Jeanne Queheillard, design theorist and critic, member of the AICA, teacher at the EBABX School of Higher Education in Art Bordeaux at ENSCI. The symposium will revolve around Andrée Putman's assertion: “Style is one and only one point of view”. The symposium will also be held at the CAPC museum (7 rue Ferrere in Bordeaux).

By becoming a sponsor and partner of the exhibition "The Eternal in the Moment", Ecart International wishes to underline its attachment to the preservation of the furniture created by Andrée Putman, and beyond that to French creativity as a whole. Preserving our know-how, highlighting it to better transmit it, makes sense at a time of globalization and standardization of industrial processes and a certain standardization of tastes... By having actively accompanied the restoration and preservation of the Andrée Putman fund alongside the remarkable team of the CAPC musée, Ecart International seeks to make an act of memory and to become part of the family of artisans of luxury and French excellence.

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